


发布时间:2020-10-16 09:34:47   浏览量:


  W: Good morning, Miss. What would you prefer 早上好,小姐。您要吃什么

  G: Id like an American Breakfast. 我要一份美式早餐。

  W: Fine. Which kind of fruit juice would you like Grape or orange


  G: Orange juice, please. 请给我来橙汁。

  W: How do you want your eggs prepared 您要什么样的煎蛋。

  G: Id like them fried. Over-easy. 我要煎蛋,两面煎黄的嫩荷包蛋。

  W: We can serve ham or bacon with the eggs. Which one do you like better


  G: Bacon and make it very crisp, please. 请给来腌肉,做得脆一点。

  W: Would you prefer rolls or toast 请问您要小圆面包还是烤面包

  G: Two slices of toast, please. 请给我来两片烤面包。

  W: And tea or coffee 喝茶还是咖啡

  G: Tea, please. 我要茶。

  W: Would you like anything else 还需要别的吗

  G: No, thats all. 不,够了。

  W: Just a moment, please. Thank you for waiting, Miss. Please enjoy your breakfast. 请稍等。让您久等了,小姐。请慢慢吃。


  W: Welcome to XXX caf sir. Please take a seat. , 欢迎来XXX西餐厅。请坐。

  G: Thank you. 谢谢。

  W: May I show you our breakfast menu 您要不要看早餐的菜单

  G: Yes, please. 好的。

  W: Here it is. Please take your time. ... May I take your order now


  G: Yes. Ill have one coffee, one boiled egg and two rolls, please.


  W: Would you like your coffee black or white 您是要清咖啡还是加奶咖啡

  G: White, please. 加奶咖啡。

  W: How would you like your eggs, sir 先生,您的蛋要煮得怎么样的

  G: Hard-boiled, please. 煮老一点。

  W: How about your rolls Dark or light 您的面包是烤黑还是微烤一下

  G: Light, please. 微烤一下。

  W: Will there be anything else 还要什么吗
