


发布时间:2020-07-07 10:09:28   浏览量:




During the Days of Military Training

The day we were looking forward to came at last----a week's military training began.

During the training, each of us did his part in earnest. We

drilled more than six hours a day, though it was very hot at the time.In the blazing sun, we always tried to measure up to the high standards which were demanded . Sweat streamed down and we wouldn't wipe it off. Olny three days later our faces were tanned.We felt happy and proud of it .

Our platoon officer was a young PLA man, about twenty years old. He was very strict with us during the training and very kind to us afterwards. By talking with him, we came to know not only more information about army life, but also about military affairs.The military training gave us good discipline. It brought us great happiness, too. We'll never forget it.



时间飞逝,转眼间八天的 军训时光已经过去。军训是我们人生难得的考验和磨砺,他不但能培养人的吃苦精神,更能磨练人的意志。




















营造了争做先进连队的军训氛围。在队列考核汇操中,各连队发扬了优良的部队作风:出勤率高,坐场纪律严肃,军训气势高昂,步伐整齐,口号响亮,动作规范,给广大师生留下了深刻的印象。8月26日,在XX级高一新生军训总结大会上,参训学生进行了阅兵、分列式和队列表演,各连队以威武的气势,昂扬的斗志和雄壮的军姿接受了部队领导、校领导的检阅。参训学生的精彩的表演,赢得了各位领导和广大师生的一致好评。按各项考核总分评比,表彰了1个先进中队、6 个先进班级、 7 个精神文明班级、200名先进军训学员。

















篇三:军训感言 英文版

Military training is the first lesson of the university life. Every student is like strong warriors in this class. They go to college, leaving their dear parents, relatives, and their lovely hometown and started the military career in a short and substantial 20 days. During the course we had learned that people in this world should endure hardships, to be strong, to be united and so on.

In the military training there is a success that is assault tactics. At the ceremony, the soldiers took the tactical gun and began to fly as arrows with the monitor giving the order along with the exciting music sounding. All of them act quickly and perfectly which arouse the whole class to shout and sing and dance. At the same time, with our classmates’ worship and jealousness to their excellent performance, there may have something more meaningful value behind the performance that is faith---one who doesn’t want to be a general is not a good soldier. A strong man should be like this.

Behind the honor and the light, no one knows how much blood and sweat we have lost. I am one of the soldiers, so I know the feelings clearly. At the very beginning, everyone felt extremely excited, but later on our passion disappeared like the clouds in the sky, leaving no shadow. The commander at this time, is very strict and maybe he took the military training seriously. So as a result he ordered that there is no break time during the training and everyone should work hard and otherwise we

would be punished. Under this kind of circumstances, we practice climbing forward on the ground, falling down and other highly difficult movements. Although in a huge pain in some of my classmates, they did not give up, instead, they wrapped their injured knees and continued to practice because we had already formed our insisting faith which is with efforts and no quitting we will never be beaten down. Every time when we started to our training the commander will asked us to hit our chest. So in this way we can gain confidence and something for sure is that the passion will defeat our panic and fear. After countless falling down and getting up we have no pain perception.

Good times is always short and thus our military life is gone with time flying by. During the short and beautiful 20 days, out military commander taught us a lot and we knew deeply that we owe him thanks. However, at that moment we had nothing to reward him. The only thing we can do is to inherit his skills and those spirits that we obtained in our precious lessons, in which we learned the importance of perseverance, the necessity of taking efforts and the significance of being dependent. With each of the end of the reporting subject, we were regarded as the axis of the whole team so we were arranged to be the last to show our achievement on the platform. At this moment we were covered with calm instead of nervousness. We all felt complicated and we have been expecting this day for a long time. We understood that this day means

success as well as depature which are actually something cruel and something that we don’t want to face. We completed our performance within five minutes. After that we sat together talking our thoughts and happiness with our commander and also we had photos with him together. Time went by quickly and when we heard the news of the end of the military training we showed our thanks to our commander and expert that we said nothing because we know that at this point maybe silence means everything and should be the best choice. In other words, we can do nothing to make our commander stay with us. If we insist that we will make the atmosphere more heavy and unpleasant. The only thing we may do at this moment is that we can look at hid back and pray for him. Among the thousand upon thousand of people, encountering is by accident while the departure is inevitable. If a goodbye can let us forget the past then why should we have many impressed memories carved in our inner hearts?

As a matter of fact, there should be our precious memories and those precious qualities we have gained and the friendship we have picked up. Goodbye assault even, perhaps these memories will be slowly flowing away, but we think that these persistence efforts and bravery will lead us march forward forever.

Goodbye, our deer assault even, your spirit will accompany me forever to overcome difficulties and remove coward and get rid of

negative emotions. We would be strong enough to lead a happy college life under your influence. And I am sure it will be a good leader in our later years of life. Finally I want to say “Thank you, thank you very much.”
